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Co-parenting podcasts suggestions to support your journey

Separation brings a whirlwind of challenges, and co-parenting is often one of the most complex hurdles to navigate. Whether you’re newly separated or have been on this journey for some time, the new year is a time of new beginnings—a perfect opportunity to reflect on how you and your co-parent can better support your children. Effective co-parenting is not just about logistics; it’s about fostering a nurturing environment for your children where they can thrive despite the changes in their family dynamic. Cooperation, mutual respect, and understanding are key, even in high-conflict situations.

Thankfully, there are many resources that can help you navigate the often-tricky waters of co-parenting, offering insights and strategies to create a harmonious environment for your children. Podcasts are a convenient way to gain advice, learn new techniques, and feel less alone in your journey.

Here are three standout podcasts that provide valuable guidance for co-parents at all stages of their journey.

1. Co-parenting with confidence podcast

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This podcast is perfect for parents seeking practical advice and emotional support. Hosted by Mikki Gardner, a certified life coach and co-parent herself, the show offers actionable steps for creating a peaceful co-parenting relationship. Mikki’s compassionate tone and relatable anecdotes make her advice accessible and reassuring. Topics range from managing your emotions and reducing conflict to building resilience in your children. Mikki emphasises the importance of showing up as the best version of yourself for your children, even when things feel challenging. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone looking to create more ease and connection in their co-parenting dynamic.

2. The aware parenting podcast

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For parents focused on fostering emotional health in their children, this podcast provides a wealth of information. Hosted by Lael Stone and Marion Rose, the show delves into the principles of aware parenting, a philosophy that prioritises connection, empathy, and emotional intelligence. Topics include understanding children’s needs post-separation, dealing with tantrums and big feelings, and creating a safe space for children to express themselves. While not exclusively focused on co-parenting, many episodes provide insights into how parents can support their children’s emotional well-being across two households. The podcast’s thoughtful approach helps parents focus on what truly matters: their children’s happiness and sense of security.

3. The high conflict co-parenting podcast

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For those navigating a high-conflict co-parenting relationship, this podcast is an invaluable resource. Hosted by Bill Eddy and other experts in high-conflict situations, the episodes provide practical strategies for managing communication, reducing conflict, and protecting your children from emotional fallout. The podcast acknowledges the unique difficulties of co-parenting in these circumstances and offers tools to stay calm and effective, even when tensions run high. It’s a highly practical guide for parents who want to shield their children from conflict while ensuring their needs are met.

Co-parenting is a journey filled with challenges and opportunities. No matter where you’re starting from, the new year is a chance to recalibrate, set intentions, and focus on providing your children with the best of both worlds. Podcasts can offer a wealth of insights and strategies to help you navigate this path with grace and understanding.

Whether you’re looking to reduce conflict, improve communication, or deepen your connection with your children, these resources can be a guiding light. At Parker Coles Curtis, we understand the complexities of co-parenting and are here to support you every step of the way. By prioritising cooperation and focusing on your children’s well-being, you can create a positive and nurturing environment—no matter the circumstances.